Jan Sherwood

Presentation Skills &

Executive Coaching

Studies show just how effective coaching can be... not only for specific individuals, but also for an organisation as a whole. By increasing the follow-through of any training or development programme, coaching also helps increase the programme’s cost effectiveness... 

  Based on excerpts from The Impact of Coaching by Anne Scoular based on her unpublished dissertation for the Department of Psychology, London Guildhall University 2001 in an address to ICF European Coaching Conference on Coaching, 11 May 2002

[1]  Olivero, D. et. al., "Public Personnel Management", Winter 1997, Vol. 26, Issue 4, p. 461

[2]  On the University of Sydney Coaching Psychology Unit website www.psychcoach.org

[3] Quoted in presentation by Kevin Flanagan, Director Special Projects, Bristol & West plc at Linkage Coaching and Mentoring Conference, London 1999.

Increased Productivity

Training Alone

Training with  


The Business Case for Coaching*

A 1997 US study found that training alone increased productivity by 22.4% but training combined with 8 sessions of one to one follow-up coaching over three months increased productivity by 88%.1

In another study, a US coaching programme for real estate salespeople cut the time for new sales associates to win their first property listing to 3.53 weeks compared with an industry average of 10 weeks. This represented first month commission of $2,430 compared with $871 for non-participants.2

A joint UK Department of Trade/Royal Society for the Arts study comparing firms with Investors in People (which emphasises sound people management practices, including coaching) with those who don't, found that firms with IIP had a 18.93% return on capital employed (ROCE) compared with a 9.38% national average. 3

Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)

Firms with IIP

  Firms without IIP

(including coaching)

Presentation Skills
* My Approach
* How?
* What They've Said
Executive Coaching
* Fulfil Your Potential
* The Business Case
* How It Works
* What They've Said
News & Articles
* Coaching Article
* Hints & Tips